BHEL FAQ : e-procurement


1.Internet Explorer and Java related Issues

2.Trouble shooting on file uploads

3.Digital token Issues

4.Password trouble shooting

5.Training related issues
































































































1.Internet Explorer and Java related Issues


1.1 Website not Opening

           ·           BHEL Live site is enabled with TLS 1.2 protocol and hence will not be accessible without configuring TLS 1.2 protocol at IE and JAVA. To enable TLS 1.2, please follow below steps


A.   Browser Setup (IE)


1.    Go to Internet  Explorer ->Tools -> Internet Options

2.    Click on Advance

3.    Pull down scroll bar to end

4.    Check the check box against  TLS 1.2 & click Apply

5.  Remove the check on SSL 2.0 if already checked


B.   Java Console Setup (For All Browser)


5.    Go to Control panel ->Click on Java icon in Control panel

6.    Click on advance tab

7.    Pull down scroll bar, locate Use TLS 1.2 check box

8.    Check Use TLS 1.2 check box, click apply and then OK


1.2 ERROR - “Your system does not have prerequisite to run the application” What is the requirement?

·            You need to check whether you have installed proper Java in your system or not. Please follow the below for proper JAVA installation.

               The site ( is best viewed in Internet Explorer 9.0.

               If your Internet Explorer version is 10 - Open internet explorer and then press F12 button from your keyboard, click on Browsing                                                                                                                                                                                  Mode “IE10 Compatibility view”, Click on Internet explorer 9 and continue to log-in.

              If your Internet Explorer version is 11 Open internet explorer and then our site

                Click on TOOLS option in the address bar and then click on COMPATIBILITY VIEW SETTING:-

      ’ will come in the ADD THIS WEBSITE column, click on “ADD” button to add the website ,

    After adding the site, click on CLOSE and then continue to log-in.


·            Platform – Windows 7/8/ IE 9/10/11/64 Bit

·               Please Install Java 1.8 Update 77 or above (Both 32 & 64 Bit).

·               Also Please Un-install all other versions of Java present in the system.

·               Open your Internet Explorer (9/10) - Go to tools - Internet Options - Security - Trusted Sites- Add the "" URL.

·               Tools - Internet Options -Manage Add On's - Enable all Java Plug INS.

·               Tools - Internet Options - Security - Custom Level - Reset to medium Low.

·               Control Panel - Java - Security –Select the Security level at ‘High’.

·                  Control Panel - Java - Advanced - Enable Logging in.



         ·            Platform-Windows 10/IE11/Edge/64 Bit:

·               Type the website address on Microsoft Edge

·               On the extreme Right Hand side, you will find 3 dots, please click on the same & choose ‘Open with Internet Explorer’

·               Please Install Java 1.8 Update 77 or above (Both 32 & 64 Bit)

·               Then Follow the same settings as mentioned above.


·            For Windows 7, 8, 10 with 32 Bit Systems Only Install the 32 Bit Java


Note : As per Microsoft guidelines and considering security compliance we have stopped supporting Microsoft XP

You may please refer the link for your reference -

1.3 Download JAVA

·            You may download required version of JAVA from


1.4 ERROR – “APPLICATION BLOCKED BY SECURITY SETTING” what is the process of security setting?

·            Go to "Control Panel”

·            Double Click on “Java” Icon

·            Click on security and select the security status at ‘High’

                Click ‘Edit Site list’, Click ‘Add’, Type manually or copy/paste the website address –

·            Click “Apply” and “OK”

·            Close/Refresh the browser and try again


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2.Trouble shooting on file uploads


2.1 ERROR – “Signing the file False  I am getting this error during attachment , What Internet setting do I have to maintain for Bidding ?

·            Open your I.E page

·            Click Tools

·            Click Internet Option

·            Click Security

·            Click Custom Level

·            Select Miscellaneous

·            Click Enable

·            Select Include local directory path when uploading directory path when uploading path to a server

·            Click Enable

·            Click OK

·            You will get Security Message " Are you sure you want to change the settings for this zone ?" Click Yes

·            Click Apply

·            Click OK

·            Please close your internet explorer and open it again.


2.2 What is the procedure to attach file ?

·            Click “ADD ATTACHMENT” button

·            Click on the “ADD ROW” button

·            Insert LABEL name, FILE Name and then attach the required file by clicking on the BROWSE option.

·            Now click on the “SIGN FILE” button, the system will ask for the encryption DSC and after successful verification you have to click on “ATTACH/DETTACH” button for successful file attachment


Please download the SUPPLIER MANUAL and visit Page(s) 44-46, 56-58 for more details


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3.Digital token Issues


3.1 ERROR -  Invalid Certificate” My previous DSC has been expired , How can I register my new DSC ?

·            If your previous DSC has been expired, Contact Buyer to deactivate your previous DSC and activate the new one.


3.2 ERROR -  Certificate is not active” / “Certificate is pending for approval”  How can I get approval of my DSC ?

·            Contact Buyer for certificate approval.


3.3 How can I map my encryption certificate ?

·            To map the encryption certificate you have to click on the “Digital Certificate” option on the right top of the page.

·            Then you have to click on the “ADD “button on the left hand side of the page.

·            Now select the radio button beside the option “For Encryption” (in case of 2048 bid) and then click on “Select Digital Certificate”.

·            After clicking on it a page will appear where you have to select your relevant Digital Certificate and click OK.


Please download the SUPPLIER MANUAL and visit Page(s) 15-18 for more details


3.4 What if my DSC gets blocked?

·            DSC gets blocked only if you insert wrong token password or you attempt more than 3 times with the wrong token password, so if this happens then you need to contact the DSC service provider to unlock the same.


3.5 If the enrolled DSC gets expired and if I get a new DSC, how to map with the existing registered login Id?

·            If your certificate has been expired than you have to contact buyer to deactivate your old certificate and you need to login with your User code & Password so that you can map the new one.

·            If your certificate has not been expired yet but you have purchased a new one and you want to map the same than kindly login with your old certificate and click on Register DSC button, select the new DSC to map the same

3.6 Can I use the same DSC in enrolling for more than one login id in the same site?

·            No, you cannot use the same DSC in enrolling for more than one log-in ids in the same site for security purpose.


3.7 I already have purchased one DSC for use in other e-tendering system. Can I use the same DSC for this portal?

·            Yes, you can use the same DSC for this portal also.


3.8 Can a foreign bidder or a foreign consultant get DSC from their respective country i.e. any country outside India ?

·            You need to purchase DSC from India and from Indian DSC providers as DSC procured from foreign service providers will not be compatible with our portal.


Please download the SUPPLIER MANUAL and visit Page(s) 1-2 for more details


3.9 What type of DSC require for Bidding ?

·            DSC (Digital Signature Certificate)( Class 3 - SHA2- 2048 BIT-WITH BOTH SIGNING & ENCRYPTION COMPONENT SEPARATELY)

·            You may procure the same from below :












Please download the SUPPLIER MANUAL and visit Page(s) 1-2 for more details


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4.Password trouble shooting


4.1 How do I log on to BHEL eProcurement system after I have enrolled online?

·            Login process: You need to visit the site

·            Key in your User code & password

·            Select the Organization from the dropdown menu

·            Click Submit to enter into the portal


Please download the SUPPLIER MANUAL and visit Page(s) 10-13 for more details


4.2 What is the procedure for proper login ?

·            Please install Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.8 or above and your Digital Certificates (Class 3) for signing and encryption.

·            The Security settings of Java in your computer system should be set to medium

·            Please install net meeting software like TeamViewer 7 for online support.

·            You are required to login to and click Sign in

·            Key in your login code and password and click Enter

·            System will ask you to change password,

·            Again login with new password

·            System will show sign in certificate, Select your sign in certificate and click OK

·            You will be logged out automatically

·            Contact Buyer for certificate approval

·            After your certificate is approved by Buyer, login again with login code and new password

·            Select Digital certificate

·            On the top right hand margin you will find “Digital Certificate” Click on “Digital Certificate”

·            Select “For Encryption” Radio button if you have 2048 bit certificate. Else you select “Both” Radio button if you have 1024 bit certificate.

·            System will display your encryption certificate, Select the same

·            New window will appear showing thumbprint of certificate, Click “CLOSE”

·            Then Click “Exit”


Now you are ready to transact on EPS


Please download the SUPPLIER MANUAL and visit Page(s) 10-13 for more details


4.3 ERROR – “Invalid login details” , I have forgot my password , How can I get the new password ?

·            Visit

·            Click “Forgot Password” option

·            Enter User Code

·            Enter registered Email ID

·            Select Buyer Organization Name

·            Click Enter

·            A system generated new password will be sent to your registered Email ID


Please download the SUPPLIER MANUAL and visit Page(s) 19-20 for more details


4.4 I have forgot my “Security Question” How can I reset my Security Question & password ?

·            Enter with any “words” for the Security question - an “advance reset password” Tab will appear on the screen

·            Click “advance reset password Tab”

·            a system generated link will be sent to your registered e-mail ID

·            Click on the link and reset your Security Question & password


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5.Training related issues


5.1 What are the steps for bid submission after login ?

·            After Login => The system will then ask for the sign in DSC from you . You have to select the relevant DSC in the pop-up window and click on OK button.

·            To map the encryption certificate you have to click on the “Digital Certificate” option on the right top of the page.

·            Then you have to click on the “ADD “button on the left hand side of the page.

·            Now select the radio button beside the option “For Encryption” (in case of 2048 bid) and then click on “Select Digital Certificate”.

·            After clicking on it the below page will appear where you have to select your relevant Digital Certificate.

·            Go to “TENDERS” and then click on then “VIEW” button. Than select status as “OPEN FOR QUOTATION SUBMISSION” and click on the “ENTER” button. This will display all the eligible RFQs and then you can click on the relevant RFQ to view all the RFQ details.

·            After clicking on the RFQ you would be able to see the RFQ details.

·            To view all the items attached to the RFQ, you can click on “VIEW ITEMS” button. By clicking on “BACK” you can go back to the RFQ header. Now you need to click on “Response to RFQ/NIT.

·            You will be landed to the RFQ/NIT details page where you will be able to see the Item details..

·            To go back to the RFQ you have to click on the “BACK TO RFQ” button.

·            To respond to the RFQ you have to click on “RESPOND TO RFQ/NIT” button and you will be taken to the Terms and Condition page.

·            To participate in the RFQ you have to choose the first option (i.e. “I have understood the RFQ/NIT in full and agree to submit quotation for the same on behalf of my organization”) and click on “ENTER” button.

·            You will be then taken to the ADD QUOTATION page where you have to click on “ADD QUOTATION” and fill in the relevant bid details.

·            You will be taken to the techno-commercial page where you have to fill the relevant fields.

·            To add any techno-commercial documents you have to click on “ADD ATTACHMENT” button than you have to click on the “ADD ROW” button.

·            Then insert LABEL name, FILE Name and then attach the required file by clicking on the BROWSE option. Now click on the “SIGN FILE” button, now the system will ask for the encryption DSC and after successful verification you have to click on “ATTACH/DETTACH” button for successful file attachment.

·            Then click on “GO TO HEADER” button to go back to RFQ Header.

·            The system will again ask for the Certificate and after successful verification you will be landed to the techno-commercial page.

·            After successful verification of the certificate you have to click on “SAVE AND GOTO ITEMS” button to put the basic price for the items.

·            Again the system will ask for DSC and you have to select you DSC.

·            You have to put the basic price in the basic price column and then Click on the “SAVE AND GOTO HEADER” button

·            Again the system will ask for DSC and you have to select you DSC.

·            To submit the quotation click on “ SUBMIT QUOTATION” button

·            After successful verification of DSC, you can submit your quotation by clicking on the “CONFIRM” button.


After successful submission of your quotation the system will show that your quotation has been submitted successfully.


Please download the SUPPLIER MANUAL and visit Page(s) 23-68 for more details


5.2 I am unable to submit the bid even after clicking “Submit Quotation” option  , How can I submit the Bid ?

·            If you are unable to submit the bid even after clicking “Submit Quotation” option , that means buyer has not been mapped their own encryption DSC , request buyer to map their encryption DSC at buyer’s end .


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6.1 What is E-Procurement System?

·            E-procurement is the business-to-business purchase and sale of supplies and services over the Internet. E-procurement means being able to perform the full procurement process electronically on the Internet.


·               The following are the benefits of e-Procurement Process.

·               Ensuring no offer is missed due to last minute submission, postal delays etc.

·               Reduced Tendering & ordering cycle time

·               Economical, smoother & speedy communication

·               Greater Transparency

·               Big step towards paperless procurement process, Minimal human error

·               No geographical barriers

·               Vendor gets alerts regarding issue of new tender enquiry, amendments, clarifications etc

·               Submission of offer from the comforts of their office from any location

·               On line clarifications

·               Direct Cost Savings such as reduced Paper costs, reduced printing costs, reduced mailing costs,

·               Reduced telephone costs and reduced fax costs.


6.2 What are the requirements of the client machine to access the BHEL e-Procurement site?

·            The Requirement :


·               A PC with Internet connectivity.

·               DSC (Digital Signature Certificate)( Class 3- SHA2- 2048 BIT-WITH BOTH SIGNING & ENCRYPTION COMPONENT SEPARATELY)

·               JRE (Java) 1.8 updated 40 must be installed in your system (Remove the additional Java if you have already installed earlier)

·               Browser - "Internet Explorer" 9 or above

·               User code & Password for login to BHEL site


Note : For users with Windows 10, whose default browser is Microsoft edge, following steps may be performed to access EPS

1.      Open Microsoft Edge

2.      Type the BHEL website

3.      On the Right hand side, click on more action (3 dots sign)

4.      Click Open with Internet Explorer


6.3 Can I access my eProcurement Account from a different client system?

·            Yes you can, but you have to follow the usual requirement as under.


·            The Requirement :


·               A PC with Internet connectivity.

·               DSC (Digital Signature Certificate)( Class 3- SHA2- 2048 BIT-WITH BOTH SIGNING & ENCRYPTION COMPONENT SEPARATELY)

·               JRE (Java) 1.8 updated 40 must be installed in your system (Remove the additional Java if you have already installed earlier)

·               Browser - "Internet Explorer" 9 or above

·               User code & Password for login to BHEL site


Note : For users with Windows 10, whose default browser is Microsoft edge, following steps may be performed to access EPS

1.      Open Microsoft Edge

2.      Type the BHEL website

3.      On the Right hand side, click on more action (3 dots sign)

4.      Click Open with Internet Explorer


6.4 ERROR – “Your Region and Language format must be set as English (United States)”, I am getting this error message while login , How can I proceed further ?

·            Go to "Control Panel”

·            Click on “Region and Language” option

·            Select the Format option under Formats as “English ( United States )”

·            Click “Apply” and “OK”

·            Close the browser and try again


Please download the SUPPLIER MANUAL and visit Page(s) 8-9 for more details


6.5 How do I get enrolled in the BHEL eProcurement Portal?

·            BHEL eProcurement Enrolment process: To get enrolled in eProcurement Portal you need to contact the respective BHEL plant directly. BHEL will provide you an Excel format regarding your company details, contact details etc and you need to fill up the same and send it to BHEL. After this process you will receive the User ID and Password in your registered email ID to participate in the eProcurement Tender


6.6 Is it possible to edit my profile details entered during online enrollment?

·            Yes it is possible but for this you have to contact the respective BHEL plant directly


6.7 How secure are my bid documents in the BHEL e-Procurement portal? Can anybody see my price bid before bid opening?

·            Your bid documents are totally secured as you have uploaded your bid documents by using your DSC and you have digitally signed all the documents.

·            No, nobody can see the price before bid opening.


6.8 What precaution needs to be taken to submit online bids in the BHEL e-procurement system?

·            Precautions needs to be taken:-


·               You need JRE 1.8 version and if there is any additional Java in your system than it must be disable during the time of bid submission.

·               DSC of 2048 bit, class III (signing & encryption) installed in your system.

·               Internet Explorer 9 or above.


Note : For users with Windows 10, whose default browser is Microsoft edge, following steps may be performed to access EPS

1.      Open Microsoft Edge

2.      Type the BHEL website

3.      On the Right hand side, click on more action (3 dots sign)

4.      Click Open with Internet Explorer


6.9 I am a bidder residing out of India and I do not have representatives / office located within India. How do I indicate the PAN/TAN no in this Portal?

·            If vendor is Uploading as a foreign supplier then PAN/TAN will be not required as against your PAN/TAN number it will be written as foreign.


6.10 What is the procedure to float a Tender ?

·            Please find the below steps to float a tender


·               Click Tenders

·               View

·               Select Status ( Draft RFQ/NIT )

·               Click Enter

·               Select the RFQ

·               Modify RFQ/NIT

·               Change or add if you want and its mandatory to write in the description column

·               Give bid start date , End date & Due date

·               Add SUPPLIER => ( Don’t select RFQ category )

·               Click Enter

·               Select the desired SUPPLIER and click on the arrow

·               continue ( Bid part added successfully )

·               Click Back to RFQ

·               Assign approver

·               Select the user ( who will approve )

·               Fill up your comment column

·               Save as Draft

·               Select Status Active

·               Click Save

·               Click Activate

·               Click OK


·            Now you have to approve it


·               Workflow

·               Search

·               Select Details

·               Give comment

·               OK

·               Approve


6.11 How can I extend the tender due date ?

·            Click Tenders

·            Select Status “Closed quotation not opened not evaluated”

·            Corrigendum

·            Change the date

·            Submit

·            Publish Corrigendum


6.12 What is the procedure for Evaluation of closed tenders ?

·            Please find the below steps to initiate the workflow


·               Click Quotation

·               Select Status “Closed quotation not opened not evaluated”

·               Select your Tender

·               Initiate workflow

·               Select User

·               Give comment

·               OK


·            To approve


·               Initiate Workflow

·               Inbox

·               Select your RFQ

·               Give comment

·               Approve


·            To Decrypt - Click Quotation


·               Select Status “Closed quotation opened not evaluated”

·               Enter

·               Select your Tender

·               Initiate Evaluation Workflow

·               Select User

·               Decrypt ( Again Initiate Workflow )

·               View Quotation

·               Give Comment

·                “Closed quotation opened not evaluated”

·               Confirm


6.13 How can I create buyer ?

·            To create Buyer, please follow below steps


·               Click Admin

·               Add Buyer

·               Fill the details

·               Click Enter


·               Click Admin

·               Upload Buyer

·               Browse and upload the excel page where buyer details were inserted.


·            To activate a buyer


·               Click Admin

·               View / Edit Buyer details

·               Select the desire status ( Active / Awaiting approval / Inactive )

·               Enter


6.14 How can I approve the Workflow  ?

·            Click on - "Workflow" > "Inbox"

·            Click on "search" Click on the details "Option" of the respective RFQ

·            Give comments

·            Approve the same


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