

1.   Please save your work every 5 minutes or as depending upon connections speed so that you do not lose any data that you enter into the EPS.


2.  Please update your “User” & “Organization” profiles regularly on the EPS.


3.  If the query is on a buyer organization, its vendor registration process, tendering process etc. please contact the concerned buyer administrator, whose contact details are provided in the site.


4.  If the query is related to any particular RFQ, please contact the RFQ owner, whose contact details are provided in the site


Technical Settings :


·         Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.7 must be installed in your system

·         Please install net meeting software like TeamViewer 7 for online support



Policy Issues:


1.         Question: What is EPS?


Answer: Enterprise procurement system. Encompasses 


·         Viewing of RFQ (Request For Quotation) / NIT (Notice Inviting Tender)

·         Responding to RFQ / NIT,

·         Submitting the QUOTATION online.

·         Viewing tender opening,

·         Viewing the PURHCASE ORDER,

·         Viewing the RECEIPT / GRN / SRV / GARN

·         Viewing the PAYMENT information.


2.         Question: How does EPS function?




·         The EPS is hosted on the internet.

·         You can access it by a dial up / leased line / broadband connection as you access other web sites.

·         Whenever there is an activity on EPS concerning you, like an RFQ or a Purchase order being issued to you, you are mailed an e-mail alert.

·         Data transfer between EPS & the client’s material management system is through a dedicated line.


3.         Question: Can I replace my employee previously authorized by me with another employee.




·         Yes, you can replace the employee details.

·         Please go to ‘Organization Profile’

·         Click on Modify organization profile

·         Do the desired modifications and Submit.


Transaction Issues:


4.         Question: How do I register on your system?




·         In case of Oil & Gas, suppliers please visit https://eps.buyjunction.in/gasbidding and register you by clicking on “REGISTER”.

·         However, to transact business with a client, you have to be first registered with them.


5.                 Question: How to login into EPS.




       ·         You need to REGISTER to get the Login credentials (USER CODE & PASSWORD).

       ·         On receipt of USER CODE & PASSWORD please click in SIGN IN option in the webpage.

       ·         Enter your user code, password, select the organization name and click on ENTER to log in.


6.                 Question: What do I do if any issues while login in?




·         Please reset the password using FORGOT PASSWORD option and try to login again.

·         If still the problem persist e-mail to eps.customercare@mjunction.in

          (or) Contact us at 1800 419 20001.


7.                 Question: What should I do if I forget the password?




·         Please use FORGOT PASSWORD option to generate new password.

·         The New password will be generated & mailed to you immediately.

·         Login with the new password.

·         If any issues please mail to eps.customercare@mjunction.in (or) Contact us at 1800 419 20001.


8.                 Question: How do we understand the client send us the RFQ, Purchase Order and other documents?



       ·         An e-mail alert will be sent to you by referring the transaction.

       ·         Example: if the RFQ sent to you by VEDANTA LIMITED then the e-mail alert will reach you as



9.         Question: When we will receive the e-mail alert on buyer transaction.




·         Email alert will be sent immediately to you once the buyer completes the transaction.

·         Example: if the buyer issues RFQ to you in EPS, immediately you will receive the e-mail alert for the same as stated above in point no:8.


10.      Question: Are RFQ’s and other documents sent to me by e-mail?




·         Only the email alerts will be sent to you.

·         RFQ & other documents can be viewed only after login to EPS.


11.      Question: When do we need to submit the bid?




·         You can submit your bid at any time before the RFQ due date & time.

·         Always please submit the bid well before (atleast 2 days) the due date & time before the to avoid the last minute issues.


12.      Question: Can I change my ‘Response to RFQ’ from ‘agree’ to ‘regret’ and vice versa?




·         Yes, you can change your response before the RFQ due date & time.

·         Even after the submission of bid you can change your response to regret from agree.


13.      Question: Can I change my previously submitted bid?




·         Yes you can modify your bid many times before the RFQ due date & time.

·         Only your latest bid will be considered for bid evaluation.

·         However you can see your modified bids & final bid in your login.


14.      Question: What should I do if I do not want to quote for a particular item in an RFQ?




·         Please change the offer quantity as zero.

·         Please do not enter the basic price for that item.


15.      Question: What is LCNC and how is LCNC calculated?




·         LCNC - Landed Cost Net of Cenvat

·         By deducting following from the total price – ED, Cess on ED, Service Tax, VAT (permissible percentage), CVD component, if any.


16.      Question: Why should I enter ‘1’ if I have Orissa TIN no. and ‘0’ if I do not?




·         Client can take setoff credit against VAT from your supplies only if you have a Orissa TIN no. Entering ‘1’ against TIN/SRIN attribute enables  EPS to calculate this setoff credit. Entering ‘0’ will not calculate this setoff credit.

·         However, if the default TIN/SRIN attribute value is ‘0’ and you cannot change it to 1, it implies client cannot take setoff credit against VAT from this item.


17.      Question: How do I get samples of items required passed by your quality control laboratories?




·         Please contact the RFQ owner, whose contact details are provided in the site.

·         If any support needed mail to us at eps.customercare@mjunction.in


18.      Question: How do I get the material inspected at my site / your site?




·         Please raise inspection request in the inspection module

·         If any support needed please call us at 1800 419 20001


19.      Question: I have sent material as per PO received - I am not receiving any acknowledgement that your stores have received the material. Your finance department is refusing to pay. What do I do?




·         Please access RECEIPT / GARN / delivery module and look up for information.

·         If not available, please contact the RFQ owner.


20.      Question: How do I obtain and return huge engineering drawings if required by you on e-mail?




·         Drawings will be either put up on EPS as attachments from where you can access and which you do not have to return, or will have to be   collected and returned as before.


21.      Question: Do I need to send paper copies of my electronic media responses also?




·        Normally paper copies are not required.

·        Some buyer organizations continue with both online and paper documents during initial phases. Please do as informed by the buyer organization




System Issues:-


22.      Question: What are the computer facilities that I require?


Answer: A PC with a good internet connection. You can also use MJ EPS from a cyber café.


Minimum Hardware and Software Requirement(s)

Operating System

Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / Server 2003


1 GB


Intel Pentium IV


Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher




23.      Question: What is the legality of the documents I receive on the e-mail?


Answer: According to internet laws, an e-mail is a valid legal document, similar to a hard copy.


24.      Question: How can I be sure that someone else is not quoting rates / delivery terms / commercial terms on my behalf?




·         The password provided to you is generated by software and is known only to you.

·         Further you are requested to change it immediately on receipt, and then at an interval, say 3 months.

·         The password is stored in a cryptic form in the EPS system and not viewable by anybody.

·         You are requested to keep the password secure and confidential.

·         Unless someone has your user id and password, it is not possible to login on your behalf and access, edit and submit information.


25.      Question: Are my bids kept confidential?


Answer: Yes. Till tender opening, the bids cannot be viewed by the buyer.


26.      Question: What is the technology used in EPS?



·         The design and development of EPS complies with the Java 2 Enterprise Edition standard and the application has been deployed on Web Sphere Application Server (v 5.x) from IBM and uses DB2 (v 7.2) as its back-end relational database.

·         As such Enterprise Java Beans 2.0 and Extensible Markup Language have been extensively used in the application.

·         The design is based on the state-of-art Apache Struts framework of the Model–View–Controller architecture.

·         Best-practice application design patterns recommended by Gamma, etal and Floyd Marinescu have been followed to make the application robust and scalable.

·         Web Services is a new technology component that provides a way for applications to easily communicate using common protocols, allowing for communication and collaboration across disparate platforms. Using Web Services, data is exchanged using text-based, light-weight XML standards and protocols such as Simple Object Access Protocol can define their content so that systems receiving the data may understand the same.

·        The technology team of Mjunction successfully achieved the complex integration with the Buyer System by using Web Services.


